New and Improved Blank Canvas Tee Free Pattern! (And Housekeeping)

The updated and improved Blank Canvas Tee is now available on Craftsy and through the Blank Canvas Tee page.

This was my very first scanned and uploaded pattern last Christmas- I can’t believe how much I learned about making pdf patterns since then!  This pattern reflects everything I’ve learned from sizing vagaries to the ins and outs of scaling.  As always, if you find an error or irregularity of any kind, please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible.

I consider the addition of a size 30 the biggest improvement.  Other changes include:

  • This is not a hand drawn scan, but a computer-imaged pattern comparable to other patterns I have made and will continue to make.
  • The front length is 24 ½” (62cm) for sizes 30, 35, and 40 and 26” (65cm) for sizes 45, 50, 55
  • The sleeves are finished with a simple knit binding rather than a hem.  You may opt to hem or leave the edges raw, too.  My method of knit binding is the one I use on most patterns, even if it’s written another way.  That’s because this method yields the most consistent good results.
  • This version of the pattern includes a high neckline rather than the round scooping neckline of the original.  It’s easier to write drafting instructions from a crew neck than a scoop.  If you like, I will make a tutorial on drafting a round/scooped neckline.

Sample page

This is the pattern I use as a base for all hacks.  Of course, if you want to play around with the free monthly drafting lesson I publish you can use any TNT knit tee pattern but the BCT is the base I use for all hacks and related patterns.

Since we’re taking care of housekeeping today, I thought I’d introduce the Animal Farm at 3HourspastSarai at Colette sponsors a micro-loan group at Kivu.  Check it out.  She said something to the effect of “I work for myself so I can build the type of company I want to work for” when she started with Kivu.  That stuck with me.

10% of all pattern purchases and Consulting Dressmaker sessions goes to purchase animals for Heifer International.  They’ve been providing farm animals and support to underdeveloped countries for several decades.  I grew up on a farm, surrounded by all kinds of animals so I feel an affinity with Heifer International.  Every time we donate a new animal, I’ll post it to the page.  Maybe at some point we can decide together which animals to buy!

In a final housekeeping note- I have gone back and forth with myself over the issue, but I decided to post a “Donate” button on the Blank Canvas Tee page and here.  I am modeling the BCT after open-source software projects because I think it’s an interesting, innovative and useful way to approach problem solving.

Most open-source software sites invite you to contribute if you liked the software and if you can spare a few dollars, so I thought I would make that an option.  I have benefited from and contributed to open-source work myself.  I spend a great deal of time on these patterns and hacks.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the work and I’m nutty enough to do it for free to begin with.  It keeps the cobwebs at bay.  If you would like to contribute to my rent and you can afford to, then feel free.  If not, it’s all good.  I like what I’m doing.

Tomorrow- Some form of photos of the Megan dress, I promise.  She makes me so happy with her new zipper, I’m contemplating making a blues version.

He texts me stuff like this while he's at work so I'm pleased to be invited along this time!

I have a chance to go out and release a rehabilitated koala into the wild with my husband tomorrow and there’s no way I’m turning him down.  Best. Date. Ever.  Maybe I’ll wear my new dress- I like to remember a fun “first outing” of a garment.  It’s not even remotely related to sewing, but if you all are interested I’ll make a post about the experience.


  1. Well done on your upgrade Stephanie! I’m impressed by how you have mastered this! I’m looking forward to seeing your ‘Megan’s Dress’ complete and I’m also looking forward to hearing about your koala adventure! Sounds amazing :)

  2. You can’t make a blue version, I want to make a blue version! (Ok, given my sewing rate and the complete ridiculousness of the demand, you can totally make a blue version, And then I will shamelessly copy you. Again.)

    Also, yay on the prettied-up pattern! Now I need to print it up and get to work on my hack. ACK! Too many projects! Pesky grad school gets in the way of my sewing… :P

    • I probably won’t get to it… Or I’ll get to it as quickly as I did this one… I wanted to make it for over a year and a half…! But one can dream. :)

      I need to get onto your tunic top… I think she’d be nice for layering.. :)

  3. Congrats on the upgrade. I know you were working hard to figure it out. How fun to release a rehabilitated koala! I’d love to hear about that.

    • And thanks for your help and advice, Amy… I ended up doing the template thing you suggested, and it worked well enough that I’ll do it that way in the future…

  4. No! Wear welders gloves and a full overall. As a registered Wildlife Carer, I can tell you from first hand experience, these cute little koalas can do some serious damage!! Good luck and enjoy the experience.

    • Yes. And I don’t think my husband wants me to go to work with him wearing a pink dress… Time for more sensible clothes.. ;)

  5. Gaah that is so cute! Look at his little tongue! Your husband’s job sounds absolutely fascinating; I would love to see a post about it. Also looking forward to seeing Megan!

  6. I’m super excited to give the BCT a go- it’s looking rather dashing in it’s new form. Kudos! It’s just the thing to ease me back in after my sewing drought. Yippee!

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